Friday, September 28, 2007


Gabriel - man of God
Gallardo - lively one
Galo - stronger
Galvino - the sparrow
Gardelio - the protector
Garret - honored
Gary - protector
Gaspar - treasure bringer
Gelacio - laughter
Genaro - battle chief
George - farmer
Geraldo - spear-wielder
Geronimo - Italian of Jerome
Gideon - brave warrior
Gilberto - bright servant
Gildo - servant of God
Giles - shield
Giovanni - Italian of John
Glenn - valley
Godofredo - God's peace
Gordon - strong, upright
Grant - great
Greg - flourishing
Gregorio - vigilant
Guido - guy
Gustavo - good staff
Guy - old French of guide
Harold - army leader, powerful warrior
Harvey - noble warrior
Hector - dependable
Henry - home ruler
Herbert - shining warrior
Herman - army man
Hilario - merry
Holden - good
Homer - promise
Horacio - keen
Hortencio - gardener
Howard - castle guard
Howell - lordly
Hubert - bright in spirit
Hudson - son of praise
Hugo - lofty
Humberto - bright home
Humphrey - peaceful
Hunter - one who hunts
..other names to follow =)

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