Monday, September 24, 2007


Abbie - Calm harbor
Abigail - a source of joy
Ada - Happy
Adela, Adele - Noblemaid
Adelina, Adelaine - Little Noble One
Adora - the beloved
Agatha - good
Agnes - lamb
Aida - leader
Aileen - light
Alena - lithuanian of helen
Alice, Alicia - noble
Aline - high-born
Alma - kindly
Almira - Princess
Alodia - love
Aloha - goodbye
Alva - lively
Amabel, Amabella, Amabelle - lovable and beautiful
Amanda - worthy of love
Amelia - Striving, busy, industrious
Amita - friendship
Amy, Aimee - beloved
Anabelle, Anabel - beautiful Ann
Andrea, Andreana - womanly
Angela, Angie - heavenly messenger
Angelica, Angelina, Angelita - little angel
Anita - Little Annie
Antoineta, Antoinette - diminutive of Antonia
Arabella, Arabelle - beautiful place
Arlene, Arlina - a pledge
Aurora - dawn
...the other names to follow =)

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